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Nikolai Nikogosian, at the age of almost 100 years, counts as one of the most important Russian sculptors and painters. The exhibition Nikolai Nikogosian – Moscow Classic in the Double Mirror is dedicated to a living legend of Russian art: Nikolai Nikogosian, at the age of almost 100 years, counts as one of the most …


Nikolai Nikogosian, at the age of almost 100 years, counts as one of the most important Russian sculptors and painters.

The exhibition Nikolai Nikogosian – Moscow Classic in the Double Mirror is dedicated to a living legend of Russian art: Nikolai Nikogosian, at the age of almost 100 years, counts as one of the most important Russian sculptors and painters. Nikolai Nikogosian was and still is very productive and has created more than 200 busts (in bronze, wood and marble), 600 oil paintings and 3000 charcoal drawings. His works adorn private collections in France, Belgium, Finland, Italy, Germany, Portugal, Ireland and Greece. Several works belong to the collection of the State Tretjakow Gallery in Moscow.


The exhibition is complemented by a presentation of four further artists of the Moscow Circle: Mariam Aslamazyan, Armine Kalentz, Archi Galentz and Harutyun Kalentz. These painters, who have close family ties with Nikogosian, are proof of the productivity of the large Moscow artist family around Nikolai Nikogosian, to whom a private museum in Moscow is dedicated.


Nikolai Nikogosian’s awards:
1977 State Prize of the USSR
1977 People’s Artist of Armenia
1982 People’s Artist of the USSR
1987 Order of the Polish People’s Republic
1989 Professor of the Stroganow University Moscow
2001 Full Member of the Russian Academy of Arts
2008 Gold Medal of the Russian Academy of Arts

 in cooperation with the Deutsch-Russisches Forum e.V.