Audrey Large (born 1994) is a French designer based in the Netherlands. She graduated with Cum Laude from the Design Academy of Eindhoven (NL), MA Social Design, in 2017 and then joined the artist residency program of the Jan Van Eyck Academy (NL), 2019-2020.
Straddling between art and object design, her practice explores the potential of digital image manipulation processes applied to the design of our material surroundings. In a context of exponential digitization, she positions her practice in an interdisciplinary form of design that uses digital cinema and image theory as a field of research to reconsider object design methodologies. By bridging film making techniques with digital-to-material manufacturing processes her work seeks to define the keys to a new materiality. Large creates her sculptures by drawing shapes by hand on a digital tablet, after which she 3D-printed the physical polylactic acid (PLA) sculptures that intend to represent 2D digital forms seen on-screen.
Her interest lies in designing objects as one would design an image. Created in shades of bright green, yellow and purple, the sculptures are ambiguously shaped, with a liquid-looking texture that resembles molten lava. There is no coating or paint on the sculptures, so the colour is within the material. Despite being digitally rendered, her sculptures also represent handcraft, and aim to illustrate the shifting boundary between the real and the digital. The sculptures may be mainly made on the computer, but their shapes are very much linked to the dynamic movements of the artist’s hands.