After completing his education as a carpenter, and engineering Jordan Artisan decided to go on. He always felt the need to create, to use his creative and intuitive skills.
Therefore he attended the Fine Arts at Academy St’ Joost, Breda and graduated in 2005 as an Autonomous Artist. Since then Artisan has worked with unconventional materials. His works moves between being autonomous or functional, channelling Art and Design.
The materials he uses, like rebar or concrete, normally depict despair; they are to be hidden underneath the floor, within a wall or behind a tile. Artisan creates rebar furniture through raw craftsmanship; cutting, welding, sanding and spraying. His new work, where he uses EPS, tile adhesive and mesh is comparable with paper-mâché. Though not fragile but becoming strong as concrete. Layer on layer, repetitive motions to become versatile. Both sculpture and lamp, cabinet, sofa or vase.
Jordan emphasizes on forms of erosion and architectural decay, made with regular construction materials. Jordan’s art based working method resonates in his works in which he turns sharp into round, dark into light and metal into something more fluid. These oppositions turn to a dynamic movement. An ongoing process where he searches for an organic flow. Meaning occurs in handling and changing construction materials into his reality, into functional art and collectible design.